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I asked actors to portray what it means to be an actor, the pedestal standing in for the stage. But “all the world’s a stage” and their journey is our journey; the hero’s journey. We live out the longings, hopes, fears, resistance, challenges, work and play of creating a life that is authentically our own. My thanks to actors Ann Kellogg, Buffy Sedlachek, Noni Kent, Patrick Coyle and Paul Smith whose talents allowed me to create this series.
I asked actors to portray what it means to be an actor, the pedestal standing in for the stage. But “all the world’s a stage” and their journey is our journey; the hero’s journey. We live out the longings, hopes, fears, resistance, challenges, work and play of creating a life that is authentically our own. My thanks to actors Ann Kellogg, Buffy Sedlachek, Noni Kent, Patrick Coyle and Paul Smith whose talents allowed me to create this series.
Conversations With a Flower
Moon Dreams
Ready for Take-Off
Struck by Light
Monkeying Around
It's Hard Work
Self Reflection
The Muses's Handshake
The Flaw
My Hands Are Tied
The Money Vampire
Self Doubt
Self Defeating
The Tear of Fear
Becoming Unchained
It's Really Hard Work
That Which Brings Pain.....
.... Also Brings Pleasure
It's a Three Ring Circus
Like a Bat Out of Hell
Crazy Joy
Death Defying
I Did It!
My Gift to You